Adam Spranklin

Gabby Dowd

Clint Clarke
Gabby is a 22 year old young lady who works for Harcourts Green Living in Gumdale, QLD as a Property Manager and is studying Aviation full time at Griffith University. She became interested in flying at an early age, attending Air Force Cadets at the age of 14. Her long term goal is to be a Qantas pilot and says 'anyone who knows me will say how hard working and determined I am'.
Gabby has already booked in her first 2 flying lessons with Flightscope Aviation.
We look forward to following her journey.

Gabby's first lesson with Jimmy
Gabby's Progress Report
Hey Bev, happy Friday!
I just wanted to give you an update, we are on to circuits
I really enjoyed it, it’s so much in a short 5 minute period but it’s really good to learn all the steps from take off to landing and Jimmy said my last landing was an 8/10 so I’m pretty happy with that because I definitely find landing the hardest! But he’s been really good with helping me with my placement and all the landings I have done have been on the runway so that’s a bonus! Here’s a pic I took from last weekend